
Aragua state


jueves, 9 de agosto de 2007

About Sessions (Modulocompetencia3)

Session 1
What makes a successful online student?
I think for being a successful online student, it is very important to have a basic knowledge of using a computer and the internet. Apart from that, to have a period of adaptation and exploration of the tool with which they are going to work in order to develop their selves-motivation and to feel comfortable in this online environment which they are not used to using for studying. Another thing that we have to take into account is the fact that many students do not have the resources such us the computer and the internet. That situation is became in an obstacle for the students' learning and available to fulfill the development of the different activities throughout the course.

Strategies for using chat as a communication tool

Well, the chat is a good strategy for communicating our ideas and thoughts, since throughout chat we improve our writing, enrich our vocabulary, and at the same time we get better our fluency in a funny way.

Using chats in EFL: A tool for collaborative learning
Well, I think it is a good idea the use of chat within the language education systems since students learn more when they are taught in a dynamic and interactive way. Besides that, students can be contacted with native speakers with who, they not only learn the language but also different cultural expressions and life styles

Session 2

According to your experiences using emails (Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, etc),
1) How could we use them into the classroom?
Well, we could use them in order to assign activities such as summaries, opinions, information related to the topic learned in classes, in order to share information and different points of view with the rest of the class.

2) What benefits and shortcomings do you see using emails?
• We can express our ideas freely, without any kind of afraid.
• Emails allow us to keep in touch with the others wherever you are, so you can be at the end of the world and that's not an excuse for not to doing your homework unless the internet signal can't be received there.

3) What sort of activities would you implement in the subject Modulo de Competencias Comunicativas III with emailing?
I would implement activities where students can apply all the basic skills in the learning of languages such us writing, reading, speaking and listening.

4) What academic benefits would emailing brings to you?
• I have learned more about the things we can do in different pages destined to do work sheets, blogs, etc
• My motivation was increased, since I consider using emails is a funny way to learn.
• And of course, I have improved my writing and every time that I do a new activity in the email I learn a new word.

5) Do we accept email rules nowadays?
Well, there are many people who don't know that those rules exist. And there are others who know them but many of them when are checking their messages in the email they forgive them. And that shouldn't be because our machines can be infected by viruses as a matter of carelessness.

Session 3
1) Based on "Engaging Digital Natives" :
a) Are teachers prepared to incorporating ICT (information communication technology) in ELT (English language teaching)?
I think teachers aren't prepared because they belong an age where ICT wasn't incorporated and has not influenced on the entire society. That's the main obstacle that gets difficult to teachers use the ICT without any problems, because they don't have a complete contact with that kind of tools that technology offers us. So it is necessary that teachers take some advising courses that help them in the task of teaching the digital native students in ELT terms.

b) What do teachers have to do in order to cope with their students using ICT?
Well, they must keep up to date themselves with ICT, to explore that world of digital natives, that is to say, they should be more interested in learning how to use all related to the computers and technology in order to understand their students and at the same time teachers make themselves understood by their students. And for that, they need to be dynamics and opened minded.

c) List the different terms used in the "Engaging Digital Natives"Podcasts, Blogs, Digital immigrants, Web 2.0, Participatory culture, The New Literacies, Wikis, Student Collaboration, Professional Learning Communities (PLC).Digital inmigrants,networked,blogs,podcasts,wikis, sociallearning, New literacies2)

2)Based on "Web 2.0 Tools in Your Classroom"
a) Which tools are mentioned?
Podcasting, Blogs, RSS, Wikipedia, You tube.

b) Which tools would you start implementing into a classroom?
I'd start implementing blogs and Podcasting, because they give to students the opportunity of learning from themselves since these tools allows them to share their ideas, opinions and whatever they want, and at the same time to increase their capabilities and their responsibilities of learning by their own.

c) Would these tools be effective in a language classroom?
I think so, because throughout them students can practice and reinforce all the language classes given by the teacher inside the classroom. Besides that, students can use them to contact with others who speak the same language that they are studying around the world and exchange necessary information for improving their knowledge.

d) List the different terms used in "Web 2.0 Tools in Your ClassroomCreative, Collective Intelligence, Ownership, Real Recognition, Blogging as a learning professional,

domingo, 22 de julio de 2007

Module I

1) What’s your full name?
2) Where do you come from?
3) What’s your date of birth?
4) Where were you born?
5) What do you do for a living?
6) Are you married or single?
7) How many brothers and sisters have you got?
8) Do you have any children?
9) Where exactly do you live?
10) How far away from here do you live?
11) Do you speak any other languages apart from English?
12) Do you have any special reason for studying English?
13) What sort of music do you like?
14) Do all your family live in the same town as you?
15) Who’s your best friend?
16) Do you work or study?
17) What do you do in your free time?
18) How do you spend your time at work?
19) Do you like reading?
20) Are you into doing exercises?
21) Do you enjoy doing the housework?
22) You are older than your sister, aren’t you?
23) Do your parents both live with you?
24) Who do you live with?
25) Do you ever hardly go dancing?
26) You spend a lot of time with your family, don’t you?
27) Do you look very much like your mother?
28) Do you have a united family?
29) What are you doing for the moment?
30) Do you have a lot of friends?

sábado, 21 de julio de 2007

Module II

1) Are you good at remembering names and faces?
2) Are you bad at remembering birthdays?
3) Have you had any embarrassing experiences because you forgot someone’s birthday?
4) Do you easily learn something by heart?
5) What methods do you use for remembering things?
6) Do you always remind your grandmother to do something?
7) How can we prove our memory?
8) Which techniques are useful for remembering information you are studying?
9) What was the most important meeting in your life?
10) What day of the week was your last birthday?
11) When did you learn how to read?
12) What did you use to do when you were eight years old?
13) Did you live in the same town as your grandmother?
14) Did you forget your boyfriend’s birthday?
15) Can you easily recognize someone’s face from a long distance?
16) How many games have you lost?
17) What do you do for not forgetting foreign words?
18) How was your last holiday?
19) When did you start studying English?
20) Did people use to have such big families in the 80s?
21) Do people wear long bathing costumes as they used to?
22) Did you have a funny childhood?
23) Did you like eating veggies when you were a child?
24) Did you use to spend a lot of time studying when you were in secondary school?
25) When was the first time you kiss someone?
26) What is the most important age in your life?
27) Who was you best friend in primary school?
28) Did you use to go to play in the park?
29) Where did you use to go for relaxing?
30) What did your mother use to go shopping?

viernes, 20 de julio de 2007

Module III

1) Which is the longest river in Venezuela?
2) Which is the smallest state in our country?
3) Which is the most densely populated city in your country?
4) Which is further Maracaibo to Anaco, or Maracaibo to Valencia?
5) Is your sister a little taller than you?
6) Is México slightly bigger than Brazil?
7) Is your cellphone a bit more expensive than Michel’s?
8) Is your house as big as your friend’s?
9) Are your eyes the same colour to your mother’s?
10) Is nowadays Venezuela completely different from before?
11) What is the place that you know well?
12) Where is it located?
13) Has your country got a harbour or docks?
14) Has your town got nice walks and views?
15) Do you live in a polluted city?
16) Have you ever visited any historical place in the world?
17) Are there any famous historical sights that would you especially like to see?
18) Which is your favourite area or individual place?
19) What is the country that you would like to visit first?
20) Where are you going on your next vacation?
21) Where are you going to start and finish your trip?
22) Are there touristy places in your country?
23) Which one would you recommend me to go?
24) Can you recommend me where I can buy some souvenirs?

jueves, 19 de julio de 2007

Module IV

Module 4
1) How old were you when you learned to speak?
2) When did you learn how to read?
3) How long ago did you leave school?
4) Have you ever moved house?
5) When you started the university?
6) Do you think twins have their other language?
7) Are there in your family twins?
8) What would you do if you were a twin?
9) Have you been in France?
10) Have you tried Arabian food?
11) Did you see your sister’s boyfriend last night?
12) Have you seen your sister’s boyfriend since the last night?
13) Has your mother already arranged any party for this weekend?
14) Did your mother arrange the party last weekend?
15) Have you met a famous person?
16) When was the first time you met a famous person?
17) Has your sister changed during the last few days?
18) Did you go to school when you were eighteen?
19) Where did your lifeline start?
20) When did you have your first boyfriend?
21) Have you got very strong principles?
22) Is your sister exceptionally talented?
23) Who has made you happy?
24) Who do you really admire?

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2007

Module V

1) Are you organised?
2) Do you make a plan before doing something?
3) Who is the most organised person in your family?
4) Do you pack a day before going on a trip?
5) Do you study a week before having an exam?
6) Do you save money without wasting it on unnecessary things?
7) Are you planning to go out this weekend?
8) Are you about to go on holiday?
9) Will you visit your aunt in Mexico the next year?
10) Are you going to the beach with your friends in a couple of week?
11) Are you due to read this questions in a few minutes?
12) Are you having a meeting tomorrow?
13) Will you graduate within two years?
14) Will she watch TV as soon as she gets to her house?
15) Would you buy a car for your mother if she knew how to drive?
16) Can you go to Caracas tomorrow?
17) Must I talk to you later?
18)Are you planning to move away?
19) Did my idea work out all?
20) Is your computer working very well?
21) Why is your father off work?
22) What kind of job would you like to get in the future?
23) Do you think an architect is well-paid?
24) Do you think for being an accountant people must be accurate?
25) Is your work challenging?

martes, 17 de julio de 2007

Module VI

1) How much television do you watch?
2)What are your favourite programmes?
3)Are there any programme that you particularly dislike?
4)Are there many advertisements on television in your country?
5)Do you think it is very important to have many advertising campaigns against things like drink-driving?
6)Are you fascinated in murder mysteries?
7)Do you think that interviews are boring?
8)Would you like to participate in a game show on television if you had the opportunity?
9)What kind of news does make you feel depressed?
10) Are you a newcaster?
11) How often do you read the news?
12)What is your favourite film?
13) Is it a hilarious film?
14) Who was it directed by?
15)Have you ever participated in a phone-in ?
16) What is you favourite song?
17) Who was it written by?
18)What was the most dullest film that you have seen?

sábado, 14 de julio de 2007

Module VII

1)Where do people normally do when they go out in the evening?
2)How many times have you gone out on a date?
3)Do parents treat sons and daughters equally when they ask them for permission to go out at night?
4)What time would your parents expect you to come home at night?
5)Do you usually arrive on time when you have a meeting?
6)Do Venezuelan couples share the bill when they go out?
7)Is the social behaviour of the two sexes the same?
8)When do you have to bow your hand?
9)What do you have to wave your hands for?
10)Are you a person who always offers food and drink when your friends visit you?
11) Do you mind if I take your phone for calling?
12)Can you tell me the time please?
13)What kind of gestures are considered as rude in a meeting in your country?
14)What things don't I have to forget if I visit your country?
15)Do you have a very polite social behaviour?
16)Is it quite normal to get married in the teens in your city?
17)Is it common for girls to have babies in their teens in Venezuela?
18)Is is truth that some young people stay with their parents until they get married?
19)Does nobady still wear traditional dress?
20)Do most people have a career in your country?

viernes, 13 de julio de 2007

Module VIII

1)Have you got many programmes in your computer?
2) Are you a technophobe or a computer nerd?
3)What is the name of someone who you try to defeat in a competition?
4)Who designed the first steam engine?
5)Who built the first steam machine?
6)Which advances have appeared nowadays?
7)Who invented the fist telephone?
8)Are there a lot of inventors in your country?who are they?
9)If you were an inventor, what would you invent?
10)What are the steps that you have to follow in order to make a phonecall?
11)How can I use a computer?
12)Have you got lots of friends?
13)Do you drink too much coffee in the morning?
14) Do you have enough money for buying a car?
15)What is the most precious thing you own?
16)Do you like some modern art?
17)Were there too many people at Peter's party last night?
18)Do you have plenty of time to travell?
19)Has Mary got earrings at all?
20)How much money do you have?

martes, 10 de julio de 2007

Module IX

1)How will your life be ten years later?
2) Will the things be the same when you are thirty years old?
3)Will people probably work by computers in the future?
4)Will education system almost certainly change within ten years?
5) Could you go abroad when you are a fashion designer?
6)If you had too much money, what would you do?
7)Might economical situation improve this year?
8)May your mom well come to visit you next week?
9)Do you think people in the next century are likely to live longer?
10)Won't Venezuelan people improve their lifestyle?
11)Will people be worried about their healthcare?
12)Would you live alone if you weren't married?
13)Will there be more deseases in the future than nowadays?